Return the land 
the nature.

Protect the land

Cutting out the need of pesticide and harmful chemicals, to grow greens without damage the earth. Stop land degradation from now. Let's save the pristine continent, Return the land to the nature.

Extend the greenery inside the house. 

Greenery environment help you to release stress, and close to nature from everyday life. You don't need to travel far away to go into nature because it is part of decoration at home. 

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Persistence in workmanship, strive for perfection

Over 35 thousand hours of research and development, gone through thousand times of testing、 adjustments、 experiments, pay attention on every detail just for perfection. We introduce our product with completely naturally decompose material, create new concept of hydroponics with zero waste substrate, zero pollution, zero burden to the nature.

Comprehensive R&D capabilities

Lucky Tree Bio may be small but complete in every detail; We have full R&D capability from product design, programming to marketing. With our ability in agricultural science and technology, we would like to deligate what we have and make change to the coming future.

"The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed."

 Mystery Writers
William Gibson